What Does the Best Customer Service and Support Mean to You?
To Glass Box Technology, great customer service along with a deep understanding of storage and network technology means everything. Our entire customer model is based on meeting and exceeding the customer’s expectations. Our unwavering focus on superior customer service and technical prowess has allowed us to grow our client base yearly. It’s rare to find that level of dedication combined with proven technology solutions, but Glass Box Technology is always looking to go above and beyond.
Accountability is Something We Take Seriously
Not only is Glass Box Technology devoted to ensuring your satisfaction, we are also equally devoted to solving design and engineering problems that you may encounter within your environment. Our entire staff is held accountable for maintaining exceptional client interactions that yield great value from cost, time, and investment standpoints.
At the end of the day, we are an advisor first and a provider second. Glass Box Technology is driven to make sure you have everything you need to run your environment the right way.
Experience and Longevity You Can Count On
Our staff has over 50 years of combined experience in the Sales and Engineering fields, supporting a wide array of industries, projects, and complex technologies. We’ve infused all of those experiences to continuously improve our services and solutions and stay on top of essential technology processes.
Sharon de Luna – Managing Partner at Glass Box Technology. Prior to Glass Box, Sharon had Sales roles with Hitachi Data Systems, Akamai, and Brocade Networks.
Steve Lee – Managing Partner at Glass Box Technology. Prior to Glass Box, Steve had Sales and Sales Management roles with MCI Telecommunications, Internap Network Services, and Brocade Networks.
John O’Hara – Managing Partner at Glass Box Technology. Prior to Glass Box, John had Sales Engineering and SE Management roles with IBM, MCI Telecommunications, and Internap Network Services.